Monday, October 5, 2009

Beachy morning all to ourselves!

Finally!  Light wind, early daylight, no hustling to work early.  Dora, MatildaLily and I hit the beach just before the sun rose this morning and it was so great to be out there again.  We were a little later than I'd like to be, but at least we finally had a morning suitable for a big romp. I took my new toy - Canon SD1200 baby camera - out for a spin and it didn't even get knocked into the sand or water. A miracle really.

I tried to get a shot of Dora & Tilly sitting pretty, but they were most uncooperative. What a shocker. And Til gave me about 7 seconds before deciding that was enough cooperation altogether. Once again Cesar would have a cow.

It may appear that Ms D has, ahem, put on a few pounds. I'm thinking the camera isn't lying as when I hoisted her posterior into the car my back screamed in protest. (Why is it that she is perfectly capable of getting all the way in when we GO to the beach, but coming home can only hoik that front half up? Cesar would have a whole HERD of cows with our family.)

1 comment:

lady diver Karma Jewell said...

Boy you just can't help cracking a smile when you see these photos. What would the world do without our furry little friends:)