Tuesday, September 20, 2011

NEWS: I'm back in Exmouth & everything's working again!

Hello, My Lovelies! I am back in Exmouth after the most fantastic trip.

I spent excellent time with my family back in the USA for the first time in a year (too long!) and I spent three mind-blowing weeks in Africa.

Me with a lion cub at Lion Park in Johannesburg, South Africa

I didn't have enough time or access to the net while traveling to keep up with posting here, as was my intention. Now that I'm back, I've started looking through my many images and I'll be sharing some of them here over the next few weeks, so be sure to keep an eye on this space!

I hit the ground running once I landed in Exmouth with Mel & Dean's wedding the day after I arrived, lots of orders to process, new client enquiries and fixing the unexpected domain problems that cropped up while I was away. Those problems caused multiple emails from you to bounce back, undelivered.

That has been fixed as of this morning and emails to kristin@kjaphotos.com are working again. If you have sent something to me in the past couple of weeks and have not yet heard from me, please resend your original email and I'll answer within 48 hours.

Let's get Africa started with a little family I had the pleasure of spending time with one day

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